When was the descriptive geometry invented

  • He is considered the father of differential geometry because of his work Application de l'analyse à la géométrie where he introduced the concept of lines of curvature of a surface in 3-dimensional space.
    He developed a general method of applying geometry to problems of construction.
A French scientist Gaspard Monge (1746 – 1818) was the first to develop a course for this science. In 1795, he published the book “Descriptive geometry” (Geometrie descriptive) and since then the new scientific discipline started to developnot only in France, but in other countries as well.
Descriptive geometry as a science was formed in the end of the 18th century in France by Gaspard Monge, but various methods of projection were used long before.
Descriptive geometry as a science was formed in the end of the 18th century in France by Gaspard Monge, but various methods of projection were used long before.


Descriptive geometry is the branch of geometry which allows the representation of three-dimensional objects in two dimensions by using a


• Project two images of an object into mutually perpendicular, arbitrary directions. Each image view accommodates three dimensions of space


There is heuristic value to studying descriptive geometry. It promotes visualization and spatial analytical abilities

General solutions

General solutions are a class of solutions within descriptive geometry that contain all possible solutions to a problem

See also

• Projective geometry• Graphical projection • Stereotomy (descriptive

What is the history of geometry?

Geometry was one of the two fields of pre-modern mathematics, the other being the study of numbers ( arithmetic )

Classic geometry was focused in compass and straightedge constructions

Geometry was revolutionized by Euclid, who introduced mathematical rigor and the axiomatic method still in use today

Gaspard Monge (1746-1818) discovered (or invented) the principles of descriptive geometry at the tender age of 18, working as a military engineer on the design of fortifications, which were made of stones accurately cut to fit one onto another so that a wall or turret so constructed was self-supporting and strong enough to withstand bombardment.Italian architect Guarino Guarini was also a pioneer of projective and descriptive geometry, as is clear from his Placita Philosophica (1665), Euclides Adauctus (1671) and Architettura Civile (1686—not published until 1737), anticipating the work of Gaspard Monge (1746–1818), who is usually credited with the invention of descriptive geometry.,Monge was born in Beaune in Burgundy, the son of Jacques Monge (* 1718)
When was the descriptive geometry invented
When was the descriptive geometry invented
Vehicles that have two wheels and require balancing by the rider date back to the early 19th century.
The first means of transport making use of two wheels arranged consecutively, and thus the archetype of the bicycle, was the German draisine dating back to 1817.
The term bicycle was coined in France in the 1860s, and the descriptive title penny farthing, used to describe an ordinary bicycle, is a 19th-century term.


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