Geometry description language

  • What is a GDL file?

    The Generic Description Language (GDL) defines a syntax with which to express hierarchically structured data.
    GDL also enables manufacturers and consumers to cooperatively define a schema that can be used to standardize the way in which the data is expressed..

  • What is GDL code?

    In computer-aided design, Geometric Description Language (GDL) is the programming language of Archicad library parts.
    GSM is the file format of these CAD objects..

  • What is GDL geometric description language?

    GDL is the abbreviation of Geometric Description Language, a functional programming language based on BASIC.
    It was created to encourage architects to use this language to build their own geometric objects in ARCHICAD, extending the possibilities of design and presentation..

  • What is GDL script?

    GDL scripts define an Archicad library part in its main roles, these are .

    1. D model,
    2. D model projected to section/elevation or to
    3. D plan,
    4. D plan view, user interface display and behaviour and listing quantities

  • What is the geometric code language?

    G-code is a programming language for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines.
    G-code stands for “Geometric Code”.
    We use this language to tell a machine what to do or how to do something.
    The G-code commands instruct the machine where to move, how fast to move and what path to follow..

  • GDL is a parametric programming language, similar to BASIC.
    It describes .
    1. D solid objects like doors, windows, furniture, structural elements, stairs, and the
    2. D symbols representing them on the floor plan
GDL is the abbreviation of Geometric Description Language, a functional programming language based on BASIC. It was created to encourage architects to use this language to build their own geometric objects in ARCHICAD, extending the possibilities of design and presentation.

What are the different types of geometry frameworks?

These include XML-based languages, such as the Atlas Generic Detector Description (AGDD) and the Geometry Description Modeling Language (GDML) , and abstract interfaces to geometry frameworks, such as the Virtual Geometry Model (VGM)

We considered utilizing one of these frameworks in updating our geometry model

What is geometry description markup language?

The Geometry Description Markup Language is an application-indepedent geometry description format based on XML

It can be used as the primary geometry implementation language as well as it provides a geometry data exchange format for the existing applications

Why is geometry description important?

The geometry description is the essential part of every simulation application

It is the most 'detector speci c' el- ement of the program and usually it is the most tedious to implement

The Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) is a specialized XML-based language designed as an application-independent persistent format for describing the geometries of detectors associated with physics measurements.


In mathematics, projective differential geometry is the study of differential geometry, from the point of view of properties of mathematical objects such as functions, diffeomorphisms, and submanifolds, that are invariant under transformations of the projective group.
This is a mixture of the approaches from Riemannian geometry of studying invariances, and of the Erlangen program of characterizing geometries according to their group symmetries.


Geometric description language
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