Astrophysics with foundation year

Flexibility to Suit Your Interests

We recognise that your aspirations and interests in the field of physics may develop as you are exposed to the diverse themes throughout the programme. With this in mind, our programme is highly flexible and there is the option to switch between our programmes during your studies - specific marks and thresholds apply.

International Year

In between years two and three of your studies you can choose to spend a year studying abroad. This exciting opportunity enables you to experience different cultures and to establish international networks. It also shows you have the personal attributes to embrace new experiences which can enhance your employability. We offer exchange opportunities.

Keele Observatory

To apply the theory you have learnt during your studies, practical classes will include time spent in our observatory. Founded in 1962 to host a 31cm refractor dating back to 1874, it has since acquired a 60cm reflector for research, and undergone significant refurbishment. Find out more about Keele Observatory


Physics and Astrophysics are fundamental, curiosity-driven science subjects that have applications and make an enormous contribution to other areas of science and a range of industries such as power, nuclear, electronics, IT, data-mining, telecommunications, medical, pharmaceutical and food technology. The subject knowledge in our Single Honours Ph.

What is a physics foundation year?

The foundation year includes
Modules which aim to provide the student with the relevant knowledge and skills to embark upon the first year of any of our physics courses.
The taught modules broadly follow the mathematics and physics A-level syllabus
While the practical sessions provide useful experience of university laboratory work.

What is physics with Astrophysics?

Physics with Astrophysics (BSc Hons) undergraduate degree programme at Keele University explores how to use mathematics to describe the physical world and understand the universe.

Why do I need a foundation year?

“ On my foundation year
I gained the confidence and skills to study the subject I’m passionate about at a top uni .” Interested in physics
Theoretical physics or astrophysics but don’t meet the entry requirements for a degree? A Foundation Year can help you get on to the course you want.

Why is a BSc (Hons) a good astrophysics degree?

Graduates of our BSc (Hons) Astrophysics degree are amongst the most employable around because of their analytical and mathematical skills.
Your skills make you particularly attractive to employers
Not just in astrophysics
But in a wide range of fields including :
And medical physics.

Year One

In year one year you will review and build on your existing knowledge in familiar core areas such as oscillations and waves, electricity and magnetism, mechanics, relativity, nature of matter and gravitation. To ensure you develop the fundamental skills and practical experience that underpin this programme, we will carefully guide you through dedic.

Year Three

Year three will allow you to deep dive into more advanced modules including electromagnetism and cosmology. You will also have the opportunity to participate in an astrophysics group project. This will give you an opportunity to apply the skills you have developed during your degree to a real research project. The project for the group is selected .

Year Two

In your second year you will continue to deepen your knowledge in core areas of physics such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, and further develop your skills in mathematical and numerical methods. To add context to your learning, areas of study will include the basics of stellar astrophysics and the physics of galaxies.

What is a foundation year?

A Foundation Year can help you get on to the course you want

In the Department of Physics and Astronomy, you’ll be taught by the experts who are driving our research programmes

You’ll have full access to our facilities and equipment

,socialising with other students across all years in the Physics Society

What is physics with Astrophysics?

Physics with Astrophysics (BSc Hons) undergraduate degree programme at Keele University explores how to use mathematics to describe the physical world and understand the universe

The Kavli Foundation

  1. Based in Los Angeles
  2. California

Is a foundation that supports the advancement of science and the increase of public understanding and support for scientists and their work.


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