[PDF] PCT Applicants Guide – National Phase

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PCT Applicants Guide – National Phase DZ

National Phase National Chapter DZ Page 1

(10 February 2022)









Fees ...................................................... Annex DZ.I Request form for entry into the national phase ............................ Annex DZ.II

List of abbreviations:

Institute: Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property

Ordinance: Ordinance No. 03.07 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424, corresponding to 19 July 2003, relating to

patents for inventions DZ PCT Applicant's Guide - National Phase - National Chapter -

DZ Page 3

(31 May 2007)

SUMMARY Designated

(or elected) Office SUMMARY



Summary of requirements for entry into the national phase

Time limits applicable for entry into the

national phase: Under PCT Article 22(3): 31 months from the priority date Under PCT Article 39(1)(b): 31 months from the priority date

Translation of international application

required into: 1


Required contents of the translation for

entry into the national phase: 1

Under PCT Article 22: Description, claims (if amended, only as amended), any text matter of drawings, abstract

Under PCT Article 39(1): Description, claims, any text matter o f drawings, abstract (if any of those parts has been amended, only as amended by the annexes to the international preliminary exam- ination report)

Is a copy of the international application

required? No

National fee: Currency: Algerian dinar (DZD)

Filing fee and maintenance fee

for the 1 st year: 1

DZD 7,500

Fee for priority claim, per priority: DZD 2,000

Publication fee:


DZD 5,000

- Surcharge for each set of

5 pages in excess of 10: DZD 1,200

Maintenance fee:

- from the 2 nd to the 5 th year, per year: DZD 5,000

Exemptions, reductions or refunds of the

national fee: None

Special requirements of the Office

(PCT Rule 51bis): 2 Appointment of an agent if the applicant is not resident in Algeria Instrument of assignment of the international application if the applicant has changed after the international filing date Document evidencing a change of name of the applicant if the change occurred after the international filing date and has not been reflected in a notification from the International Bureau (Form PCT/IB/306) Translation of the international application to be furnished in two copies [Continued on next page] ______________ 1 Must be furnished or paid within the time limit applicable under PCT Article 22 or 39(1). 2

If not already complied with within the time limit applicable under PCT Article 22 or 39(1), the Office will invite the applicant to comply with the requirement within a time limit fixed in the invitation.

DZ Page 4 PCT Applicant's Guide - National Phase - National Chapter - DZ (31 May 2007)

SUMMARY Designated

(or elected) Office SUMMARY



[Continued] DZ Who can act as agent? Any patent attorney or patent agent registered to practice before the


Does the Office accept requests for

restoration of the right of priority (PCT Rule 49 ter.2)? No DZ PCT Applicant's Guide - National Phase - National Chapter - DZ Page 1 (14 January 2010)


DZ.01 FORM FOR ENTERING THE NATIONAL PHASE. The Institute has available a form for entering the national phase (see Annex DZ.II). This form should preferably be used. DZ.02 LANGUAGE OF PROCEEDINGS. The language of proceedings can be either

Arabic or French.

DZ.03 TRANSLATION (CORRECTION). Errors in the translation of the international application can be corrected with reference to the text of the internati onal application as originally filed (see National Phase, paragraphs 6.002 and 6.003). DZ.04 FEES (MANNER OF PAYMENT). The manner of payment of the fees indicated in this Chapter is outlined in Annex DZ.I. DZ.05 REPRESENTATION. Any applicant residing outside the national territory of Algeria must designate an agent registered to practice before the Institute. A list of registered agents is available at the Institute. DZ.06 DEED OF ASSIGNMENT. When the applicant entering the national phase is different from the applicant in the international application, the applicant entering the national phase must produce a deed which authorizes him to enter the national phase. As of the time when the request for national phase entry has become effective, any transfer of property must be inscribed in the Registry of Patents. DZ.07 AMENDMENT OF THE APPLICATION. Amendments are authorized if they are submitted to the Institute within one month of the date of entry into the national phase of the relevant application. The amendments are authorized in conformity with the Treaty and its regulations. Amendments may be made to the description, the claims and the drawings. Amendments must not go beyond the disclosure of the invention. Beyond the time limit given above, only purely physical errors may be corrected. Such corrections are subject to the payment of a fee for the rectification of physical errors. DZ.08 EXAMINATION. Patents are granted, without examination, for any applications which have respected the due process. A certificate, established by the competent service, highlighting that the application has respected the due process, is delivered to the applicant and constitutes the patent. DZ.09 ANNUAL FEES. An annual fee is due each year to keep the patent in force. The annual fees (including the second and third annuities) applying to the years that have passed since the international filing date must be paid, at the latest, upon the date of the third anniversary of the international filing. Payment may still be made within six months from the due date. In cases of late payment, the annual fees will be subject to the payment of a surcharge. The amounts of the annual fees are indicated in Annex DZ.I. DZ.10 REVIEW UNDER ARTICLE 25 OF THE PCT. The general outline of the applicable procedure is given in paragraphs 6.018 to 6.021 of the National Phase. DZ.11 EXCUSE OF DELAYS IN MEETING TIME LIMITS. Reference is made to paragraphs 6.022 to 6.027 of the National Phase. DZ PCT National Phase National Chapter DZ Annex DZ.I (10 February 2022) FEES (Currency: Algerian dinar) [Patents] Filing fee and 1st annual fee ................................................. 7,500 Fee for priority claims .................................................... 2,000 Publication fee ......................................................... 5,000 Publication fee for each 5 pages in addition to the 10 first pages .......................... 1,200 Publication fee for small format drawings in excess of 3 ............................... 400

Annual fees:

for the 2nd to the 5th years, per year ........................................ 5,000 for the 6th to the 10th years, per year ........................................ 8,000 for the 11th to the 15th years, per year ....................................... 12,000 for the 16th to the 20th years, per year ....................................... 18,000 The surcharge for late payment of the annual fee is equal to the amount of the unpaid annual fee. Fee for restoration ....................................................... 5,000

How can payment of fees be effected?

The payment of fees can be effected in cash, by check directly at the Institute or by bank transfer into account

No. 00200012120326418071

DZ PCT National Phase National Chapter DZ Annex DZ.II, page 1 (10 February 2022) [71] - DEPOSANT[S] : Nom, Prénom, [dénomination], et Adresse complète Nationalité du ou des déposants [54] - TITRE DE L'INVENTION : [30] - REVENDICATION DE PRIORITE (S) [31] - N°[s] de dépôt[32] - date[s] :[33] - pays d"origine Nature de la demande [72] - INVENTEUR[S] : Nom, Prénom, AdresseNature de la demande de protection * Brevet d'invention Extension de la demande Certificat d'addition internationale selon le PCT N° de la demande internationale et date internationale de dépôt Numéro de dépôt Date de dépôt HeureVisa sdfsdfdfsdf DZ Annex DZ.II, page 2 PCT National Phase National Chapter DZ (10 February 2022)

Demande de certificat d du

[74] - MANDATAIRE : Nom, Prénom, AdresseDate du pouvoir Le préposé à la réception Fait à : le :

Signature et cachet

Qualité du signataire

pour les personnes morales

Autres informations


Copie de la demande internationale Abrégé descriptif

Mémoire descriptif en langue nationale Pouvoir

Mémoire descriptif original en langue française Document de priorité Mémoire descriptif duplicata en langue française Cession de priorité Dessin(s) original (aux) Planche(s) Titre ou justification du paiement de taxes

Dessin(s) duplicata (aux) Planche(s)

Les demandes doivent être remises ou adressées par pli postal recommandé avec demande d'avis de réception, à l'Institut

National Algérien de la Propriété Industrielle (INAPI) dont les coordonnées sont indiquées ci-dessous.

Le paiement des taxes exigibles peut être effectué soit directement auprès de la caisse de l'INAPI soit par virement

bancaire au compte: BEA 12 Avenue AMIROUCHE, Alger· n° 00200012120326418071 Adresse : 42, rue Larbi BEN M'HIDI, 3ème étage, B.P. 403 Alger Gare Tél. : (021) 73 57 74 Fax: (021) 73 96 44 et (021) 73 55 81 E-mail: brevets@inapi.org, info@inapi.org - Web : www.inapi.org Le présent formulaire doit être lithographié


________________________________ * Cocher les cases correspondantes.quotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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