[PDF] b cell development and activation

B cells are generated in the bone marrow. • Takes 1-2 weeks to develop from hematopoietic stem cells to mature B cells.Autres questions
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  • What is the development and activation of B cells?

    The mature B cell that moves into the periphery can be activated by antigen and become an antibody-secreting plasma cell or a memory B cell which will respond more quickly to a second exposure to antigen. B cells which fail to successfully complete B cell development undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death).
  • What are the steps of B cell activation?

    B cells are activated when they encounter an antigen that they recognize. The antigen binds to the B cell's surface receptors, which activates and triggers it to divide and differentiate into an antibody-secreting plasma cell. Plasma cells produce antibodies that bind to the antigen and neutralize it.
  • Where do B cells develop and where are they activated?

    B cell activation occurs in the secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs), such as the spleen and lymph nodes. After B cells mature in the bone marrow, they migrate through the blood to SLOs, which receive a constant supply of antigen through circulating lymph.
  • Upon activation, a naïve B cell can become a plasma B cell or a memory B cell.
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B-Cell Development Activation


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Characterization of B Cell Development and Activation in the

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