[PDF] Volume 2641 causées par l'homme

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Traités et accords internationaux classés et inscrits au répertoire: Membre des Nations Unies après l'entrée en vigueur de la.

Volume 2641

causées par l'homme et en matière de coopération internationale au Accord entre le Conseil fédéral suisse et le Gouvernement de la République.

Journal officiel

22 sept. 2000 VU l'Accord conclu à Sarrebruck le 13 juillet 1984 entre la République fédérale d'Allemagne et la République française.

Volume 2641

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 2641 2010 I. Nos. 47030-47101

Recueil des Traités

Traités et accords internationaux

enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies



Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United N ations


Recueil des Traités

Traités et accords internationaux

enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations

• Nations Unies

New York, 2013

Copyright © United Nations 2013

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United Nations

ISBN: 978-92-1-900613-3

eISBN: 978-92-1-056060-3

Copyright © Nations Unies 2013

Tous droits réservés

Imprimé aux Nations Unies

Volume 2641, Table of Contents




Treaties and international agreements

registered in January 2010

Nos. 47030 to 47101

No. 47030. Switzerland and Spain:

Arrangement between the Federal Department of Defence, civil protection and sports acting for the Swiss Federal Council and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Spain concerning military exercises, training and educa- tion. Bonn, 13 November 2008 and Madrid, 13 November 2008 ................ 3

No. 47031. United Nations and Guinea


Agreement between the Government of Guinea

-Bissau and the United Nations for the grant under guarantee for the handover of Rear Admiral José Américo Bubo Na Tchuto to the Government of Guinea-Bissau. Bissau, 8

January 2010

................................................................................................. 25

No. 47032. Multilateral:

Convention on privileges and immunities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organi-

zation. Tashkent, 17 June 2004 .................................................................... 27

No. 47033. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and In- donesia: Loan Agreement (Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project) between the Republic of Indonesia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated

1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Jakarta, 1 Septem-

ber 2009

...................................................................................................... 75

No. 47034. International

Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Ar-

menia: Loan Agreement (Additional Financing for the Lifeline Roads Improvement Project) between the Republic of Armenia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules, appendix a nd Intern a- tional Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Yere- van, 4 September 2009 ................................................................................. 77

Volume 2641, Table of Contents

IV No. 47035. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and In- dia: Guarantee Agreement (Fifth Power System Development Project) between In- dia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Condi- tions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February

2008). New Delhi, 13 October 2009

No. 47036. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Phil- ippines: Loan Agreement (Participatory Irrigation Development Project) between the Republic of the Philippines and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Manila, 7 August 2009 81
No. 47037. International Development Association and Burundi: Financing Agreement (Health Sector Development Support Project) between the Republic of Burundi and the International Development Association (with schedules, appendix and International Development Association General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October 2006). Bujumbura, 7 July 2009 .................................... 83 No. 47038. International Development Association and Malawi: Financing Agreement (Regional Communications Infrastructure Project) be- tween the Republic of Malawi and the International Development Associa- tion (with schedules, appendix and International Development Association General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October 2006). Lilongwe, 17 July 2009 ..................................... 85 No. 47039. International Development Association and Nepal: Financing Agreement (Additional Financing for Power Development Project) between Nepal and the International Development Association (with sche- dules, appendix and International Development Association General Con- ditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15

October 2006). Kathmandu, 21 August 2009

............................................... 87

No. 47040. Switzerland and Russian Federation:

Agreement between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters on cooperation in the field of humanitarian rapid response to natural and man-made disasters and international development cooperation. Bern, 21 September 2009 ....... 89

Volume 2641, Table of Contents

V No. 47041. International Development Association and Ghana: Financing Agreement (Transport Sector Project) between the Republic of Ghana and the International Development Association (with schedules, appendix and International Development Association General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October

2006). Accra, 14 August 2009

...................................................................... 101 No. 47042. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (Export Finance Intermediation Loan Project) between the Republic of Croatia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- ment General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Zagreb, 2 September 2009 ............................... 103 No. 47043. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Loan Agreement (Conditional Cash Transfers Project) between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the International Bank for Recon- struction and Development (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Skop je, 2 Sep- tember 2009

.................................................................................................. 105

No. 47044. Germany and Zambia:

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Gov- ernment of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning financial coope r- ation (Project: Fund for Studies and Experts V). Lusaka, 13 August 1998 .. 107 No. 47045. Germany and Democratic Republic of the Congo: Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo concerning fi- nancial cooperation in 2006. Kinshasa, 13

October 2009 ............................ 109

No. 47046. Germany and Democratic Republic of the Congo: Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo concerning fi- nancial cooperation in 2008. Kinshasa, 13 October 2009 ............................ 111

No. 47047. Switzerland and France:

Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the French Republic on cross-border cooperation in judicial, police and cus- toms matters (with annex). Paris, 9 October 2007 ........................................ 113

Volume 2641, Table of Contents

VI No. 47048. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Ser- bia: Loan Agreement (Corridor X Highway Project) between the Republic of Se r- bia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Belgrade, 13 July 2009 .................................... 169 No. 47049. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Tuni- sia:

Loan Agreement (Second Wate

r Sector Investment Project) between the Re- public of Tunisia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Recon- struction and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July

2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Washington, 27 May 2009 . 171

No. 47050. International Development Association and Democratic Republic of the Congo:

Financing Agreement (Urban Water Supply Project

- PEMU) between the

Democratic Republic of the Congo a

nd the International Development As- sociation (with schedules, appendix and International Development Asso- ciation General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October 2006). Kinshasa, 19 January 2009 173
No. 47051. International Development Association and Nepal: Financing Agreement (Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade) between Nepal and the International Development Association (with sche- dules, appendix and International Development Association General Con- ditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15

October 2006). Kathmandu, 21 August 2009

............................................... 175 No. 47052. International Development Association and Senegal: Financing Agreement (Sustainable Management of Fish Resources Project) be- tween the Republic of Senegal and the International Development Assoc i- ation (with schedules, appendix and International Development Associa- tion General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October 2006). Washington, 12 June 2009 ................. 177 No. 47053. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Bra- zil: Guarantee Agreement (São Paulo State Feeder Roads Project-Programa de Pa- vimentação e Recuperação de Estradas Vicinais do Estado de São Pa ulo) between the Federa tive Republic of Brazil and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with International Bank for Reconstru c-

Volume 2641, Table of Contents

VII tion and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Washington, 24 August 2009 ....... 179 No. 47054. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Ar- gentina: Global Environment Facility Grant Agreement (Energy Efficiency Project) be- tween the Argentine Republic and the International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development ac ting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (with schedules, appendix and Standard Conditions for Grants made by the World Bank out of various funds, dated 20 July

2006). Buenos Aires, 1 October 2009

.......................................................... 181 No. 47055. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Ka- zakhstan: Loan Agreement (South West Roads Project: Western Europe -Western China International Transit Corridor (CAREC 1b & 6b)) between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and


opment (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstru c- tion and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). Astana, 13 June 2009 ................... 183

No. 47056. International Development Associatio

n and Democratic Republic of the Congo: Financing Agreement (Forest and Nature Conservation Project) between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the International Development As- sociation (with schedules, appendix and International Development Asso- ciation General Conditions for Credits and Grants, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 15 October 2006). Kinshasa, 30 May 2009 ...................... 185 No. 47057. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and In- dia: Guarantee Agreement (Financing Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure through Support to the India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited Project) between India and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- ment General Conditions for Loans, dated 1 July 2005, as amended through 12 February 2008). New Delhi, 13 October 2009 ........................... 187

No. 47058. Germany and Ghana:

Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Ghana concerning financial coopera- tion (Projects: Promotion of District Towns IV, Rehabilitation of Soga- kope-Akatsi Road, Rural Water Supply Programme IV). Accra, 12 July 2002

.............................................................................................................. 189

Volume 2641, Table of Contents

VIII No. 47059. Germany and Economic Community of West African States: Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) concerning financial cooperation in 2008. Abuja, 10 September 2009 ........................... 191 No. 47060. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Peru: Loan Agreement (Health Reform Program - Second Phase) between the Re- public of Peru and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment (with schedules, appendix and International Bank for Reconstru c- tion and Development General Conditions for Loans, dated

1 July 2005,

as amended through 12 February 2008). Lima, 16 November 2009 ............. 193 No. 47061. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Gua- temala: Loan Agreement (Second Programmatic Fiscal and Institutional Development

Policy Loan) between the


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