Consumer behavior journals

Consumer Behaviour Journals
  • The journal of consumer research.
  • Journal of consumer psychology.
  • Journal of consumer behaviour.
  • Journal of consumer culture.
  • Journal of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and complaining behavior.
  • Review of economics of the household.
  • Consumption, markets and culture.
The Journal of Consumer Behaviour publishes theoretical and empirical research into consumer behaviour, consumer research and consumption, advancing the  Calls for PapersAuthor GuidelinesOverviewEditorial BoardJournal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2023): 92/155 (Business (Social Science))
Impact factor (2022): 4.3
Online ISSN: 1479-1838
Print ISSN: 1472-0817

Is JCB a good source for Consumer Behaviour Research?

Given that JCB is a major source for consumer behaviour research and in conjunction with the journal's milestone run of 20 years, this study aims to present a retrospective review of JCB that will shed light on the evolution and trends of consumer behaviour discussed in the journal

What is the Journal of consumer behaviour?

This is a dummy description

The Journal of Consumer Behaviour aims to promote the understanding of consumer behaviour, consumer research and consumption through the publication of double-blind peer-reviewed, top quality theoretical and empirical research

What is the Journal of consumer research?

The Journal of Consumer Research publishes scholarly research that describes and explains consumer behavior

Learn more about JCR

Between Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Appropriation: Self-Authorizing the Consumption of Cultural Difference

Peer-reviewed academic journal

The Journal of Consumer Affairs is a peer-reviewed academic journal that was established in 1967 and is published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American Council on Consumer Interests.
It covers research on consumer behavior, consumer and household decision making, and the implications of practices and policies on consumers' wellbeing.
According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2017 impact factor of 1.860.


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