Difference between demography and geography

  • Is population geography closely related to demography?

    Population geographers seek to understand the society around them, the structure of a population, and how populations change through population movements and processes.
    Population geography reflects the diversity of geography, while also being closely related to demography and spatial demography..

  • What is the difference between demography and population study?

    They pointed out that demography is confined to a study of the population component of the population variation and change, where as population study is concerned not only with the variables but also with the relationship b/w population changes and other variables such as social, economic, political and geographical .

  • Explanation: In this case, demographics is plural, because we're talking about multiple streams of data.
    If we were talking about the study of demographics, then it would be singular, like economics or physics.
    More formally, the study is known as demography.

As nouns the difference between geography and demographic is that geography is the study of the physical structure and inhabitants of the earth while demographic is (en) a demographic criterion: a characteristic used to classify people for statistical purposes, such as age, race, or gender. As an adjective demographic is of or pertaining to demography.

The Key difference between Geography and Demography is: Geography focuses its study on the territory and representation of the Earth, while Demography focuses on the study of human populations.


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