Consumer behaviour on cosmetic products

  • What are the factors affecting consumer buying behaviour of cosmetic products?

    There are many factors that consumers will look for before buying a cosmetic product: Brand, Quality, Labeling, Price, and Advertisement.
    The Brand is considered as a name and symbol of a company.
    Brand plays an important role in creating a positive image among customers..

  • What do consumers look for in beauty products?

    Among U.S. consumers, the most important attributes for beauty and personal care products are that they are clean, natural, and free from any harmful chemicals.
    It is also important to about one-fifth of consumers that products are organic..

  • Among U.S. consumers, the most important attributes for beauty and personal care products are that they are clean, natural, and free from any harmful chemicals.
    It is also important to about one-fifth of consumers that products are organic.
Apr 1, 2023Price: Price is an essential factor that influences consumer behaviour in the cosmetics industry. Consumers are more likely to purchase products 
The results showed that people consider quality as the most important factor to purchase cosmetics and majority of people do not prefer paying high amount to buy such products.

Beauty products intended for male use

Male cosmetics include all cosmetic products marketed towards men, such as makeup, skincare products, hair care products, body care products, sun care products, perfumes, and other decorative cosmetics.


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