Consumer behaviour on soft drinks pdf

  • How does Coca Cola influence customer behaviour?

    Over the years, Coca Cola increased its trustworthiness among people.
    Also, it has enhanced the psychological attachment with buyers.
    Consumers are now automatically attached to Coca Cola's business process.
    This has been a major impactful reason for consumer behavior towards the company..

  • What are the consumer perceptions of soft drinks?

    “Broadly, consumers see soft drinks as a pleasurable and tasty way to stay hydrated.
    While they are wise to dubious health credentials of some types of drinks, especially around sugar and sweeteners, they also know that some drinks can have a positive impact on their diet..

  • What is the consumer behavior for soft drinks in India?

    Households are buying bottled soft drinks 6.5 times (average) annually as against 5.5 times in 2019, indicating that the habit is taking strong roots.
    Bottled soft drinks (45% penetration) form the bulk of the sector as they reach almost all cold beverage households..

  • Analysis: The results of the survey showed that 34% of the respondents among 100 preferred Pepsi drink, 24% preferred Coca Cola, 15% preferred Miranda, 11% preferred Limca, 11% preferred Maaza and up to 5% of the population preferred other drinks (table 7 and figure 7).
  • Over the years, Coca Cola increased its trustworthiness among people.
    Also, it has enhanced the psychological attachment with buyers.
    Consumers are now automatically attached to Coca Cola's business process.
    This has been a major impactful reason for consumer behavior towards the company.

Are soft drinks a demographic descriptor?

But, a deeper and more careful observation would reveal that soft drinks are strong demographic descriptors of their consumers

Key insights into the characteristics and consumption patterns of consumers can be obtained through an incisive study of the soft drinks market

How can companies create a positive attitude towards soft drinks?

Such as- Companies should put more efforts in monitoring and creating the brand image and taste of soft drinks and introducing new flavoured drinks aiming at creating positive attitude towards soft drinks

What factors affect consumer behavior towards soft drinks?

Consumer behavior is also the study of factors that affect the behavior both internal and external such as, self-concept, social and cultural background, age, family, attitudes, personality and social class

In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the consumer preference on buying behaviour towards soft drinks

Consumer behaviour on soft drinks pdf
Consumer behaviour on soft drinks pdf

Type of drink

A caffeinated drink, or caffeinated beverage, is a drink that contains caffeine, a stimulant that is legal practically all over the world.
Some are naturally caffeinated while others have caffeine added as an ingredient.


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